One-year Intensive Course of Czech for Foreigners (2021/22)

  • 1 September 2021 – 13 May 2022
  • MU Language Centre, Brno

The course is intended for foreign students who wish to pursue higher education in the Czech Republic. No previous knowledge of Czech is needed; the course is designed for complete beginners.

You will learn to actively communicate in common life situations as well as attain communication basics in the area of your specialization via e-learning, consultations and self-study.

If you wish to complete the specialized preparation for your future study, you can also apply for preparatory entrance exam courses offered by MU faculties.

For admission requirements at MU see: Admission requirements for MU faculties

The course focuses on:  

  • Grammarvocabularypronunciation 
  • Everyday life situations 
  • Czech history and culture 
  • Side events (university lectures and seminarscultural events) 


One of the main goals of the course is to contribute to the successful passing of entrance examinations to a university or other higher education institution. The course will facilitate your integration into Czech society and overcoming social, cultural and language barriers. An individual approach to students and their needs is emphasised. The course will be completed by taking the final exam.

Admission requirements 

  • fill in and send the electronic application and a copy of the passport
  • send a certificate of complete secondary education related to the degree program which you wish to study
  • pay the course fee
  • receipt of admission will be issued upon payment
  • in case visa is not granted or other problems which prevent the student from participating or completing the course, the course fee shall be refunded according to our cancelation policy
  • information about visa issues
  • knowledge of English is required

Teaching/learning materials 

The nature of the course enables tailoring the teaching/learning materials to the users’ needsWe will use both the traditional textbooks of Czech as a foreign language and supplementary and authentic resources. 


1 September – 17 December 2021

Public Holidays - 28 September, 28 October, 17 November

3 January – 14 April 2022

Easter Holidays – 15 April and 18 April

25 April – 29 April

2 May  –  6 May 2022: week of preparation for the final exam

9 May – 13 May 2022: 1st round of final exam

6 June – 10 June 2022: resits

5 September – 10 September 2022: 2nd round of resits (PAID 2600 CZK/100 EUR)



The course will be taught by lecturers of Masaryk University Language Centre, who have long-term experience in teaching as well as systematic study of didacticsresulting in the most efficient language instruction and support. 


Students have to actively participate during the lessons. Students will be admitted to the final examination only if their attendance has not dropped below 70%.

VISA student, whose attendance drops below 70% and he/she does not communicate with us the reasons of his/her absence, will receive an e-mail asking him/her to attend the course and continue his/her studies. In case the student does not start to do so, we have to report the situation to the Foreign police.

The only accepted reasons for attendance lower than 70% are health issues confirmed by the doctor´s report or official bureaucratic reasons communicated with Language Centre MU.

In case the student quits attending the course, he has no right to get the course fee refunded.


The course will be completed by passing the final examination and obtaining the certificate of completion. 

Final examination 

  • final exams will take place at the end of the course
  • upon successfully passing the final examstudents will get a certificate of completion of the course and of the final exam according to the level achieved 
  • if a student fails the final examthere is a possibility to resit 
  • this is not the Final State Examination! 

In case the pandemic will still be spreading, the course will be held online. 

Registration form

Language of instruction
When 1 September 2021 – 13 May 2022
600 hours (596 + 4 hours of question time)
20 hours per week
Participants foreign students
MU Language Centre tutors
3 600 EUR
20 часов в неделюDeadline for registration: 
Students with VISA requirements: 31 May 2021 
Non VISA students: 31 July 2021 


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