Výuka ekonomického jazyka na vysokých školách

Masaryk University Language Centre is honoured to announce the 3rd International Conference focusing on Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) in Business and Economics at Tertiary Level with regard to the changing landscape of teaching and learning LSP.

The conference is aimed at gathering professionals from LSP teachers at tertiary education institutions in the Czech Republic and neighbouring countries in order to share knowledge and experience and examine the latest trends in the field of LSP. In particular, the conference seeks to discuss innovative teaching methods, emerging trends and the integration of AI tools in business language classroom.

Discussion sections

  1. methodology and best practices in teaching business languages
  2. development of LSP courses and teaching materials
  3. assessment and evaluation strategies in LSP
  4. development of intercultural and plurilingual competence
  5. crossover between the classroom and professional life
  6. changing needs of student population
  7. AI tools and technology in teaching LSP

Forms of presentation

  • presentation (20 minutes + 10 minute discussion)
  • workshop (45 minutes)

Registration form

We invite submissions of abstracts for the presentations and workshops.
The abstracts should follow the submission guidelines in the template form below.
To download the document, click on the link below and complete it following the guidelines. The completed document should then be sent to this email address: blanka.pojslova@econ.muni.cz


Official languages of the conference

English, Czech, Slovak

Important dates and fees

Deadline for speakers to register 23 September 2024
Notification of acceptance
30 September 2024
Registration for non-speakers 27 October 2024

Conference fees

The fee covers lunch, coffee break snacks and administrative fees.

Early bird registration (until 30 September):
€ 40 or CZK 1000
Standard registration (1 October until 27 October):
€ 55 or CZK 1350

Order - CZK Order - EUR


Detailed Programme

to be announced later

Plenary speaker: Don Sparling

(Conference participants can submit their contributions for publication in the peer-reviewed journal CASALC Review.)


Contact address

Language Centre
Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University
Lipová 41a, 602 00 Brno

Members of the organizing team
Ing. Mgr. Blanka Pojslová, Ph.D., Masaryk University, Brno
Mgr. Veronika De Azevedo Camacho, Ph.D., Masaryk University, Brno
Mgr. Marie Červenková, Ph.D., Masaryk University, Brno
Mgr. Jiřina Hrbáčková, Masaryk University, Brno
Mgr. Ivana Mičínová, Ph.D., Pan-European University

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