Zájmové skupiny na CJV (SIG)
V rámci CJV realizujeme s kolegy projekty napříč všemi odděleními
Opening: Autumn 2021
Location: ELF
The goal of this MU Language Centre course is to familiarize Ph.D. candidates with essentials of academic writing skills that can be effectively adopted in writing project and grant proposals. It presents an overview on the fundamental concepts of grant application and project writing and offers practice-oriented insight into ways to improve both academic language and project-specific skills of the participants. The course is completely online and self-paced, students can review specific seminars or move forward in case of already familiar topics, adjusting the course to their specific needs.
Seminar 1: Introduction to the Course
Seminar 2: Key Concepts of Writing, Characteristics, Academic Writing versus Project Writing
Seminar 3: Different Types of Grants, Sponsors and Stakeholders
Seminar 4: Grantsmanship: Project Stages 1-3
Seminar 5: Grantsmanship: Project Stages 4-7
Seminar 6: Structure of a Project Proposal, Common Proposal Section
Seminar 7: Project Language: Articles, Prepositions
Seminar 8: Project Language: Nominalization, Passive versus Active Voice
Seminar 9: Project Language: Bullet Points, Sentences
Seminar 10: Project Language: Paragraphs, Cohesion
Seminar 11: Project Language: Formal versus informal Style
Seminar 12: Reflection on the Proposal, Feedback and Peer Review
Seminar 13: Course Review – Seminars 1 - 6
Seminar 14: Course Review – Seminars 7 - 12
Please also note that it is not necessary to complete this course within a specific time period and that this course can be started and stopped at any moment in time.
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